Since I finished ACI in 2015 and 2017, I graduated from the College of Wooster with an Archaeology major and a Geology minor in 2018. I am now in a two-year Master’s program at NYU in Museum Studies. I will be working this summer, 2019, as an intern at Villa La Pietra in Florence, Italy as an assistant to the collections manager. I hope to become a collections manager after I graduate from NYU. I am very grateful to have participated in ACI because it allowed me to explore a side of archaeology I didn’t know was open to me and allowed me to get to where I am today
Eloise Smith
After learning about archaeological conservation through ACI, I decided to attend graduate school at the University College London in order to become an archaeological conservator. At UCL, I have had the opportunity to take classes directed towards preventive conservation and site management, as well as learn hands-on conservation skills by volunteering in UCL’s ethnographic collections. To become a conservator through UCL, I have to complete two master’s programs, and I am currently writing my dissertation for the first on practical ways to include local communities in conservation projects. When I go back to school in September, I will be beginning the second degree where I specialize in archaeological conservation
Jonathan Price
In the fall of 2019, I will be attending Brown University to obtain a PhD in Assyriology, the study of the ancient Near East. I am extremely appreciative for the opportunities I have had through ACI to not only gain practical experience with the remnants of the ancient past, but also to learn the crucial lesson that historians and conservators alike must strive to preserve the memories (both textual and archaeological) of those who have come before us, in order that they may still speak to future generations. Of course, it also exposed me to the beauties of Italian (and Sardinian) geography, food and hospitality, for which I am eternally grateful.
The ACI program has truly been a major catalyst for my present studies, developing my interest in Roman archaeology and artifact conservation. I am currently pursuing a PhD in Nautical Archaeology at Texas A&M University, focusing on Classical Mediterranean seafaring and cultural contact through trade. In the summer of 2019, I am conducting research on two early-20th century mattanza vessels in Marzamemi, Sicily employing photogrammetric and laser scanned models to discuss the socio-economic development of the town. Inspired by the public outreach programs of CCA, this project focuses on engaging the local community in the exciting developments of archaeological research.
Megan Crutcher
After ACI, I graduated from Grove City in 2018, and was accepted to pursue my M.A. in Public History at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA, focusing in preservation and museums. I secured a pre-program internship in conservation at the Carnegie Museums, and two internships, in archives and historic preservation, as a part of my masters. I am currently in the process of preparing my portfolio to apply to masters and PhD programs in art conservation.
Claire Sumner
My experiences at the CCA were an incredibly important part of my undergraduate experience and continue to influence my work as I pursue my scholarship in Art History. I am an MA student at the University of Texas at Austin and will complete my degree in the Spring of 2020.
Though my work is focused in the Italian Renaissance the first hand experience I gained working with classical artifacts at the CCA has been invaluable. The lectures at the CCA have also inspired a dedicated interest in me in conservation that gives me a unique lens from which to pursue my scholarship and influenced my current research into the materiality of Italian Renaissance terracotta sculpture.